Ritual Oils - How to use

When I’m working with scents, I create blends with oils and magical herbs to help you tune into the right frequency and to invoke the emotions and feelings to get you into the right state of mind. Akasha London ritual products are powerful for manifestation and helping you call in what you want or, to shift your mood, energy & frequency.

Both scent and magic are invisible to us, which instantly creates a powerful connection to the unseen. As a practitioner who works closely with scent magic, I love the combination of how herbal folk law, mysticism and science come together. Our sense of smell is the most primal of all of our senses. Though we are unable to see it or touch it, we are always aware of its potent presence, which is connected to the ancient limbic system in our brain. It is this part of the brain that stores memories and not just our own personal memories – the memories of our ancestors are stored in our DNA and said to go back as far as five generations. These deep rooted memories can be easily triggered by different aromas which can often have a powerful impact on our being, both physically and emotionally.

How we use the Akasha London Ritual Oils & sprays:

  • Use to anoint your candles before rituals/spells
  • Use on magical tools
  • Use to anoint your chakras & unblock
  • Use on your healing crystals to cleanse, activate & recharge
  • Rub on the front door to bring in abundance, luck & opportunities
  • Use on the front door to keep evil out
  • Add to the floor wash to protect the home
  • Add to the floor wash to invite abundance
  • Use to cleanse & charge your tarot
  • Put a drop in your shoe to walk towards abundance, love & luck
  • Anoint jewellery before wearing to keep luck with you
  • Use on the four corners of your yoga matt
  • Add to your bath as a Moon ritual soak
  • Rub a small drop in your wallet to keep money coming in
  • Rub a little oil on your hands when working on opportunities
  • Or you can simply rub on the body to enjoy the magical herbs and aromas.

The Akasha London Ritual sprays are best used around the home to cleanse and bring in abundance. Have fun with your rituals and don't forget to share your experience with us.